Acorn Squash


Kids love this squash and it’s easy to prepare—except for the first step.


2 acorn squashes
4 T pure maple syrup


omit the syrup and use black pepper instead (my preference)

Most recipes call for 1 pat of butter per squash half, but I don’t use butter.
Cut the squashes length-wise. It may not be easy since they are very tough. You may have to use a mallet to get your knife through them. Watch your fingers! My husband helps by cutting into the squash, then hitting it very hard on the counter, then cutting around the edges. Hitting it hard on the counter may cause the squash to split unevenly, however.

If you do not have an intrepid helper, put squashes in the microwave for about three minutes to soften. Try again.

Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees.

After cutting, remove the seeds and strings. Set seeds aside in a bowl to roast later.

In a baking pan (with at least 1 inch sides) add ½ inch of water. Put the squashes in the pans; if they are lopsided, you can try and slice the underside horizontally so the bottom is “flatter” and the squashes will be less “wobbly.”

You also can cook "face down" in 1 inch of water then add syrup after baking.

Add 1 T of maple syrup to each half.

Cook for at least 1 hour—perhaps 1 hour, 15 minutes, or until “meat” of the squash is tender.

This is very sweet, so it goes well with a meat main dish.